December 26, 2010

Hey, I'm OK

Lots has happened lately... And Lord Jesus himself, if I got a nickel for every time I typed that sh*t I'd have like sixty nickels.

I need a drink. Seriously at least a shot.

Sooooo.... What I brought you here for:
I found out this weekend what is f*cking me up lately. WHY I'm an emotional time bomb:

I work... at a call center. Oh my god that explains everything. A close friend of mine told me this, I mean he practically blurted it out like "duh Jason no wonder your life sucks."

I have to find a new job asap. This one is killing me. Imagine hearing 30 people a day call you, not caring about you, and having you expend every last drop of emotion you have to console them for $16/hr. Not worth trading your life outside of work to make paying the bills easy.  So that's my decision.


December 20, 2010

So much happening lately

...that I've become an emotional time bomb.

Just ready to explode, blowing ridiculous amounts of sticky, colorful emotion all over strangers that don't want goo on their clothes.  Well, bad news bitches:

My tears are about to put the goo on your gucci.

Anyways, I had an encounter of the stalker kind.  I sort of stalked my ex boyfriend tonight (yes I know, I know) just be cause I needed some therapeutic driving time. See, I was in the area looking for homes and apartments for next semester and I just wanted to check.  Simple curiosity.

It was about the most nostalgic, blank feeling I've felt. And blank usually means overload. And overload means I'm gonna end up crying it out at the most unusual time. Like during dinner. Or during a bowl of macaroni and cheese. Or at puppies, I cry at puppies and babies a lot.


December 17, 2010

One Chance

Perhaps the scariest feeling in the world is when you've just discovered how close you just were to death.  When you find out how easily your life could end... when you get your first taste of death and you can't forget the flavor. When you consider how easily you could die, you realize how close you might be putting yourself to the edge every day.  I feel like I've learned all my dangerous lessons as close to the edge as I could be without falling, every time.  Car accidents.  Hospital visits.  Recklessness.

Sometimes reality puts you on the fast track toward a nasty smack in the face.  We don't worry about how fragile we are until we actually find out.  And then you become aware. And you remember that you only have one chance. And everything returns to delicacy.
