April 20, 2011

Why are gay men such liars?

Why do you lie about the life you live? Why do you pretend you're loaded, why do you act like you have so many friends, why do you make up stories?

< Blah blah blah go fuck yourself.>

We're reaching a day where honesty is such a prize,
where the first man to reveal how pitiful his life really is,
well, he's becoming more valuable by the day.

(...The trick is, where is he?)

I also have to mention, I'm going on a metaphorical vegetarian diet. No more meat in my life. Or my mouth.

Too much testosterone can kill a man, so maybe that explains why I'm socially drowning. Just chillin in the social ICU waiting for salvation.

Every day I'm transforming to meet the conformation of my world :( I have to be aggressive, I have to control, I have to fake more things every day... What happened to mom helping you up or that kid in the sandbox giving you his tractor?

somehow i think that fairytale is done...
i'm the child that stole the tractor.

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