Lots has happened lately... And Lord Jesus himself, if I got a nickel for every time I typed that sh*t I'd have like sixty nickels.
I need a drink. Seriously at least a shot.
Sooooo.... What I brought you here for:
I found out this weekend what is f*cking me up lately. WHY I'm an emotional time bomb:
I work... at a call center. Oh my god that explains everything. A close friend of mine told me this, I mean he practically blurted it out like "duh Jason no wonder your life sucks."
I have to find a new job asap. This one is killing me. Imagine hearing 30 people a day call you, not caring about you, and having you expend every last drop of emotion you have to console them for $16/hr. Not worth trading your life outside of work to make paying the bills easy. So that's my decision.
I work in a call center, this kind of work isn't for everyone, you'd have to have a certain sick personality to do it! Hope your plans to make your life better work out well. Hang in there,